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Photo du rédacteurAlison Armstrong-Millar

The 10 Weirdest Jobs in the World

The topic of today's discussion in the conversation group...see you there !

Feeling a bit bored with your job and fancy a change? Why not try one of these jobs out?

They’re probably not to everyone’s taste, but believe it or not these are actually real jobs done by real people.

Here are the top 10 weirdest jobs in the world:

10) Professional sleeper:

A hotel in Finland hired a member of staff as a ‘professional sleeper’ to test the comfort of their beds. The individual sleeps in a different one of the hotel beds each night and writes a review about her satisfaction with each one.

No, this isn’t a joke. Someone actually earns a living watching paint dry. A man in the UK currently has the job and he spends his days painting sheets of cardboard to test how long new paint mixes take to dry and watching for changes in color and texture.

8) Full-time Netflix viewer:

Imagine being paid to watch TV all day! Well for one lucky employee this dream has become reality. Netflix has hired someone to watch all of their content before it is available to the public and their role is to review and assign each program its correct tag, which helps us viewers find exactly what we’re after, whether it’s a romantic crime movie based on classic literature or witty talking-animal TV show.

If you think the London Underground is bad, you should see the trains in Japan. ‘Oshiyas’ are hired to help cram as many people onto a train as possible by pushing them from the outside until the doors will close.

6) Professional Mourner:

It is a tradition in South East Asia that a loud funeral will assist the dead as they travel to the afterlife, so professional mourners are hired to cry and weep loudly throughout the service.

5) Snake Milker:

Not for the light-hearted. The job of a snake milker is to collect the venom of poisonous snakes in jars for use in anti-venoms and other medication. Thank god someone’s brave enough!

4) Dog food taster:

The dog food tester’s job is to taste new dog food products, including bones, tinned meat, and biscuits. They do this to test for flavor and texture in comparison to rival dog food brands and human food. Hmm…tasty?

3) Odour Judge:

In order to test the effectiveness of new products, ‘odour judges’ are hired to smell volunteers’ breath, feet and armpits. They make sure their judgment is accurate, the members of staff have their sense of smell tested monthly. Let’s hope those products are doing the trick, for the judges’ sake!

2) Marmite Taster:

They say you love it or hate it and in the case of St John Skelton, he really takes his appreciation for it to another level. As part of a team of marmite tasters, he is responsible for checking each batch of Marmite is the correct texture, consistency and flavour. In the 30 years he has been working there, he has eaten around 3,000 jars of the stuff!

1) Scuba Diving Pizza Delivery Man:

If the fact that there’s an underwater hotel in Florida isn’t bizarre enough, to add on to that, they have a scuba diving pizza delivery man who supplies them with pizza by carrying them through the sea in a watertight case. What service.

Do you do an unusual job? We’d love to hear about it, so let us know!

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